Three Ways Lenders Can Improve the Corporate Borrower Experience

Three Ways Lenders Can Improve the Corporate Borrower Experience

When Wingate White made the transition from the lending side at Deutsche Bank to Finley, he was shocked to realize the knowledge gap that exists for borrowers who are trying to manage their debt capital.

As Wingate's experience shows, many lenders fail to realize how difficult it may be for borrowers to operationalize their debt management processes. At Finley, we believe that bridging the lender-borrower gap can streamline debt capital operations for both sides.

So why can debt capital management be challenging, from a borrower perspective?

Figuring out credit facilities is a monumental task for most borrowers because they don’t deal with these complex processes in their day-to-day financial operations. If you’re new to debt capital markets, this type of financing is complicated to navigate and difficult to maintain. That's why a well-qualified Head of Finance or VP of Finance may still struggle to manage an asset-backed credit facility effectively and efficiently.

Part of our role at Finley is to guide customers through the implementation process. This includes helping borrowers understand their credit agreements, organize their data, and get them familiar with the paperwork that their credit facility requires.

After having observed hundreds of lender-borrower relationships, we've identified three simple ways lenders could improve the borrower experience, build better relationships, and increase loyalty for the long term.

1) Create a welcome package for borrowers

The borrower/lender relationship truly begins once the credit agreement is signed. But it’s often at this point that the borrowers are handed off to the operations team without much guidance, which isn't ideal because not everyone can hit the ground running.

Many borrowers need additional education and support to become operational.

Even for borrowers who already have loans, transitioning to a new lender or adding another line of credit can be challenging. Each lender has its own processes, and while they may be similar, there are always unique requirements or preferences to understand. To help, lenders should provide a welcome package or onboarding resources for their new borrowers.

The welcome package could include an easy-to-understand guide that breaks down the loan terms, repayment schedule, interest rates, fees, and any covenants or conditions, along with clear instructions on what the borrower needs to do next, including any immediate actions required post-closure, like setting up online accounts, scheduling initial payments, or submitting additional documentation.

For brand-new borrowers, lenders could also include informational materials that help them understand the broader aspects of debt management, like how to leverage their loans effectively.

2) Automate as much as possible

When a borrower sends in paperwork, you want to make sure there aren’t any mistakes. Even a tiny error means someone on the lending side has to review it, send it back to them, have them fix it, and then send it back again. This could happen multiple times—especially if, on the borrower side, you have someone unfamiliar with the process and paperwork filling everything out.

When borrowers automate that process, those errors disappear. They’ll be flagged before they’re submitted.

Automated systems can instantly cross-verify entered data with existing databases, reducing the chances of typos or incorrect information, which are common in manual entries. Automated tools can also calculate financial ratios, interest rates, and repayment amounts with perfect accuracy, eliminating the common manual errors in loan calculations.

When you get everything right the first time, the process is significantly sped up. Then, borrowers can get their money quicker and with less headaches.

3) Increase transparency with a single source of truth

As transactions happen, borrowers and lenders update their records independently. The manual entry in disparate systems means discrepancies pop up, and even simple variances like disagreeing on the date when funds are drawn can lead to big impacts for both parties.

When lenders and borrowers have a common system that they each can use, it gets rid of the guesswork. Real-time updates mean that any action taken, such as a repayment, a drawdown, or a change in terms, is reflected instantly. Then, both parties are always informed of the current state of the facility and can trust the accuracy of the data at all times. Everyone stays on the same page throughout the life of the loan, and the whole process is smoother and less stressful for borrowers.

A better experience for all

It’s clear that transparency and clarity add value for both borrowers and lenders. Borrowers can better understand their loans, feel more in control, and face fewer headaches. For lenders, these changes mean building stronger, more trusting relationships with their customers.

When lenders and borrowers can work together more effectively, with less confusion and more confidence, everyone wins.

Want to learn more about Finley?

Finley is private credit management software that helps private credit borrowers and asset managers streamline and monitor asset-backed loans. From tracking covenants and deliverables, to assembling funding requests and analyzing asset performance, Finley gives borrowers and lenders peace of mind when it comes to debt capital management. For more, check out our Product page.

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